The fourth MTM-CNM Family Conference was held in Chicago, IL in July 2015

Over 200 people attended the 2015 MTM-CNM Family Conference which took place from July 24-July 26 in Chicago, IL, making it our biggest conference yet! 50 families gathered from our rare disease community, many familiar faces and many new as well! We were grateful to have several of our lead researchers and pharma industry professionals working on behalf of our community join us.
The conference theme "Anchors & Oars: Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow" really pinpoints our passion to equip families with the connections and resources that will help them stay strongly "anchored" while coping with the day to day challenges--big and small-- brought by MTM and CNM. At the same time, we are very excited about what the future may bring with regards to possible treatments. We aim to help families to "grab an oar" and together move forward with hope, whether that be towards a cure, or for our families who have lost a loved one, carrying forward their legacy.
Check out more videos on our YouTube Channel!
You will never know how much this conference meant to me and my family. It was the most incredible, healing, convalescent experience I have ever taken part in. To be face-to-face with the researchers and have the space to ask questions and hear presentations, was so wonderful and incredible. And of course our families! You gave us the opportunity to meet and share and laugh and cry! |
I've waited 19 years to feel this way and I will try to never miss this again. To feel the belonging and to talk to others who understand the day to day of my life and"get it" is just great!!!
-Christiann, Jason's mom
![]() Hatched at the 2015 Conference, Myo the Traveling Turtle has a mission to help connect our community. Check out Myo's page!
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